You can expect to find all different ages and types of people when you come to a worship service at Worthington CRC. Some will be dressed in suits, most will be far more casual.
We love having children learning to worship with their families, but we also offer nursery and children in worship for our little ones.
Our worship is saturated with God's Word. Worship begins with God's call. Our lives are busy and stressful, but when God's call rings out, we can rest from our worries and focus on God's grace. After a short time of silence to prepare our hearts, we stand to respond by singing biblically based psalms and hymns in which we can lift our voices in praise to God.
Next we read a portion of God's Word responsively, which ends with a greeting of grace and peace from God Himself. We then turn to greet one another.
After this, we hear once again from the Bible, as it directs us into a reminder of God's law, guides us to confess our sins, and then assures of the pardon that Jesus earned for us.
We then have the opportunity to come together to lift our needs and thanksgiving to God in a prayer. An offering is collected, and we prepare to hear and learn God's Word by singing.
The sermon is the central part of our service. We preach expository sermons - that means you will not hear the preacher's opinion, but you will learn what the Bible says and how that affects your life. Listen to our recent sermons.
After the sermon, we will sing again, and then stand to hear God's blessing pronounced upon us for the coming week. We then conclude with a doxology - a short song of praise, and then exit for a time of fellowship together.
Our services generally last a little over an hour.
Why We Do What We Do At WCRC