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Synod 2022 Recap

Chad Werkhoven

Updated: Jun 25, 2022

God has initiated reform in the CRC! - Updated 6/25/22

The video gives an overview of some of the primary accomplishments of Synod 2022, and I've posted some more personal reflection in the essay below.

Written Reflections

6/25/22 Update:

After a nearly a week of being on the receiving end of some very awful comments, I've decided to moderate the new comments being made. Despite the lies, mis-characterizations, and blatant inaccuracies upon which most of the comments are based on, I've only deleted the posts from two commentors. One comment contained a personal attack against a third party, and the other comments were from somebody identifying as 'grace' who filled the page up with giant rainbow flag gifs and other 'pride' propaganda.

I'm content to let the ugly attacks made upon me go by the wayside. I can do this because God in His grace has given me a loving family, supportive congregation, and solid friends & ministry colleagues who keep my ego rooted in my identity as a new creation in Christ. Plus my dog still seems happy to see me when I walk home at the end of the day.

I also recognize that much of the anger communicated is the result of deep pain accrued over many years which finally reached a boiling point.

I do want to respond to a few recurring inaccuracies that were mentioned often in comments:

  • I never referred to anyone as being 'rot.' I did mention that there is lots of rot in our denominational agencies. While I certainly do see a big need for systemic change in these offices, I regret using a hyperbolic word to describe it, and it was not directed at anybody personally.

  • This video was not an attempt to 'gloat.' It was simply a summary of what happened at Synod produced specifically for my own congregation and the Classis that sent me as a delegate. I did not solicit this video anywhere else or post it on social media. Most of the 3000 people who came to look at it (most of whom did not watch the video according to my analytics) saw only what they'd been conditioned to see by whoever it was that linked to this page.

  • It's also important to note that the decisions made by Synod 2022 changed nothing in the CRC. We simply agreed that our confessions continue to mean what they've been understood to mean for 400 years.

  • Most importantly, nobody wants to see anybody excluded from the Church or God's grace. We have officially decided in the CRC that we will continue to understand that all sexual activity outside of a covenant marriage between a man & woman is sinful. But this is in no way an attempt to 'kick the gays out.' Rather, it's a reflection of a deep desire for all sinners to experience the grace and peace of Jesus Christ that comes through repentance. The 2nd QA of the catechism explains it the best:

Q. What must you know to live and die in the joy of this comfort?

A. Three things:

first, how great my sin and misery are;

second, how I am set free from all my sins and misery;

third, how I am to thank God for such deliverance.

I can assure you that Worthington CRC is committed to walking alongside all repentant sinners no matter how rocky their road is. Since recognizing and identifying sin in our lives is the first step in experiencing the awesome comfort that is ours in Christ, we call out sin as a critical response to Christ's great command to love our neighbors.

Unfortunately, there's a persistent element in our denomination that does not wish to adhere to the overwhelming decisions made after years of debate. As I said in the video, we do desire to move forward together, but it's also clear to me that we cannot continue to fight over this issue. It's those who feel strongly that they cannot continue to hold covenant on this and other confessional issues that I would call to gracefully find another denominational home. Please understand, this is not a demand to leave the Church, but rather to find a fellowship that more closely aligns with your convictions.

It continues to be my hope and prayer that all people would come to know the grace of our almighty and loving Father and will experience the peace that comes through His Son, Jesus Christ.


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