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Matthew 17

Chad Werkhoven

Today's Chapter: Matthew 17

Dig Deeper:

YOU KNOW, LIKE A CATERPILLAR: Jesus was transfigured on the mountain. I always like when you recognize the actual Greek word being used, and you recognize the one being used here: metamorphoo - it literally means to move beyond / change (meta) shape (morph), which, as the headline implies, is what a caterpillar does when it changes into a butterfly. What Peter, James & John witnessed was an amazing miracle for sure, but the even more amazing thing is that you and I are called to undergo the same experience that Jesus did. This word is only used in two other places in the Bible:

Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed (metamorphoo) by the renewing of your mind. -Romans 12:2
And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed (metamorphoo) into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. -2 Cor. 3:18

The question to meditate on today is, does your life both spiritually & physically reflect the metamorphosis expected of a Christian?

WE'VE HEARD THIS BEFORE: Once again, God's voice thunders down from heaven, and once again, those who hear it are terrified (read the end of Exodus 20 for the Israelites' reaction to God's voice delivering the ten commandments as an example). But once again, another divine voice follows: "Do not be afraid."

God uses the same exact words He used at Jesus' baptism, which should give you comfort. God was very well pleased with Jesus, and as we saw in Galatians, and will see in all of Paul's letters, you are included in Christ. If God is well pleased with Jesus, He is now well pleased with you, and you no longer need to be afraid of God's voice.

THREE NEW WORDS: God adds a three word command to the words He repeated from Jesus' baptism. Think of all of the different potential commands God could have added: Follow him; Do what he does; live like him; etc. Why do you think it's so significant that God commanded us to listen to him?

THROTTLE DOWN, JESUS: It seems like Jesus launches into the man who wanted Jesus to heal his son in v17. By just reading the text in Matthew, Jesus' reaction seems unwarranted and uncalled for. But when we read this same account in Mark's gospel (9:14ff), it becomes apparent that Jesus was reacting to a big argument between his hapless disciples and the teachers of the law, not the boy or his father. Be thankful God gave us four different perspectives on Jesus' life that all fit together!

MESSIANIC HUMOR: Wouldn't you have loved to see the look on Jesus' face when Peter came back from his fishing trip in v27?

Prayer Tips:

  • ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: A holy, perfect & righteous God who is well pleased with His Son, Jesus Christ (v5). Thank Him that you can come to Him without fear (v7)!

  • ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Listen to God's Word - Jesus! (v5)

  • ASK GOD FOR WHAT YOU NEED: When your requests are aligned with God's will, you can move mountains with your faith!



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