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Matthew 6

Chad Werkhoven

Today's Chapter - Matthew 6

Dig Deeper:

FOLLOW THE PATTERNS: Yesterday we noticed a pattern of six 'antithesis' teachings in which Jesus flipped conventional wisdom on its top (you have heard / but I say). In chapter six, a new pattern emerges in the first three teachings: they all begin with 'When you ___.' These three disciplines: giving, praying & fasting are not optional activities for Godly people, rather they are an expectation. The next aspect sets up the wrong way to engage the discipline: by doing it to be seen like the hypocrites (hypocrite literally means 'actor'). Rather, do these things in a way that nobody but God can notice; He's your only audience. Finally, each section contains a reward clause. The hypocrites have received their reward in full, which is the applause of the audience they were performing for. The amazing thing is that when a Godly person gives, prays, & fasts in the way Jesus commands (remember, these aren't optional pastimes), our Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward them.

DO NOT GET HUNG UP ON THE 'DO NOT' COMMANDS: The final pattern of this chapter introduces the passages with 'do not' commands: do not store up treasure on earth (v19), do not worry, and in chapter 7, do not judge, and finally do not feed to the dogs. But in today's two passages, it's very easy to mistakenly place the emphasis on the do nots. The point, however, is expressed positively in both passages: store up treasure in heaven (v20), and to seek first His kingdom & righteousness (v33). Look at those verbs (store up / seek): the Godly life must be lived aggressively!

Prayer Tips:

Today we get to use the ultimate AAA pattern!

  • ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Our Father in heaven, hallowed by your name (v9).

  • ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven (v10). Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil (v13).

  • ASK GOD FOR WHAT YOU NEED: Give us this day our daily bread (v11), and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors (v12).




Friday: service will post at 6 PM, but since there are no interactive elements to it, you can watch it anytime Friday night.

Sunday Morning: Service will post at 9:30 AM. There are several interactive elements where we can share fellowship, so try to participate then, but the service will be available all day long.

Sunday Evening: We close our day of rest in the Psalms, with a time of prayer, and a short lesson about the importance of what's at stake in Genesis 1:1 with Dr. Ligon Duncan. After the service, we will facilitate a Zoom based Q&A time about difficulties we may experience in interpreting what the Bible teaches about creation science. This service will begin at 6 PM.

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