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Who Are You?

Chad Werkhoven

Updated: Apr 15, 2020

You are created in God’s IMAGE.

Because Adam disobeyed


  • all of creation has been infected by ORIGINAL SIN.

You are now

  • SEPARATED from God

  • You’ve willingly become a SLAVE TO SIN -- unable to do any good on your own, apart from God.

Nevertheless, sin is not IMPUTED to me for my condemnation,

  • but it is FORGIVEN

  • by God's GRACE & MERCY.

DISCUSSION QUESTION #1: How are you different than how God created Adam?
DISCUSSION QUESTION #2: Why do we say that God chose us out of grace alone?
DISCUSSION QUESTION #3: How does the doctrine of Election change the way you think of yourself? How does it change how you think of God?

Use the comment box at the bottom of the page to answer or contact Pastor Chad to discuss.



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