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January Council Updates

Chad Werkhoven

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Special January Meeting / Location - January 22 @ 6pm

We will be holding our January Council meeting in the beautiful upstairs meeting room at the downtown Armory building.

This first meeting of 2024 will include both the new councilmembers as well as those whose terms are complete. We will be spending most of the meeting reviewing the evaluation sheets that were handed out last month.

We're meeting in the Armory for a couple of reasons. First, it's good to get out and support the things in our community, and the remodeled Armory is an awesome resource with a fantastic meeting room upstairs. You'll want to come a bit early and check out some of the displays.

The bigger reason is that meeting in a different spot will help stimulate conversation. One of our goals at this meeting will be to evaluate aspects of our church to determine what's going well and what can be improved, so it makes sense to meet outside of our regular location in more of a 'retreat' setting, even if it's right down the street.

This doors will open at 6 PM. We'll have some sandwiches and snacks available and you'll be able to spend some time looking around at all the cool stuff they have on display while you eat. We'll get to work around 6:30 or 6:45 after everyone has ate. There will be a nominal cost for the room and some sandwiches from Hyvee (~$200), so I'll put a jar out so we don't need to take it from the church budget.

You'll be getting the full agenda in the next couple of weeks, but for now keep working on the evaluation sheets.


Abide Project Midwest Regional Gathering - Tuesday, January 16 from 6-9:30 PM in Sheldon, Iowa

The Abide Project has been a big factor in help maintain orthodoxy within the CRC. If you want to meet some really awesome guys who care deeply about our denomination but who still know how to laugh and have fun together, you'll want to be part of this gathering in Sheldon.

We hope to help one another better understand where churches are as we live into the decisions of Synods 2022 & 2023 regarding human sexuality. We also plan to share together what you see as next steps.

The next regional gathering is scheduled for Tuesday, January 16, 2024, from 6:00-9:30p CST at First CRC in Sheldon, Iowa. Dinner will be available starting at 5:00p. Feel free to join for all or part of the evening.

COST IS $10/person (paid at event check in)



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