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Ephesians 1

Chad Werkhoven

Today's Chapter: Ephesians 1

Dig Deeper:

ARE YOU IN OR OUT? It's a crummy feeling to all of the sudden have the music stop playing and then realize that you're the last to respond and the chairs are all gone. While you may have to face that playing a silly party game, that's one uncertainty you will not need to face when eternity appears, because in Ephesians 1, you are reminded that you are securely in Christ. Look at all of the ways this chapter shows that you're in:

  • In Him: you are chosen before the creation of the world (v4)

  • In love: you are selected to be God's adopted child (v5)

  • In accordance with His will: Because God has willed you to be His, you are secure (v5)

  • In Him: you have redemption & forgiveness (v7)

  • In accordance with His riches: you have been given a share in God's riches!

  • In Him: all things are being worked out to bring you into relationship with God (v11)

  • In Christ: you have your hope (v12)

  • In Christ: you've been included by hearing His message of truth (v13)

YOU'RE A GAZILLION YEARS OLD: Today is not the time or place for a debate on how old the universe is, but just remember that no matter whether it's thousands of years old or billions of years old, God knew you and included you to be in Christ before the universe was created (v4)!

YOUR HEAD IS STILL WET: Whether you were baptized as a baby or an adult, the water that was used has long since dried up, because it's just a sign. But it's what that sign signifies that's so important and that sticks with you forever: God's covenant promises, made to you upon your baptism, are sealed in you by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, who came to live in you when you believed (v13).

KEEP ON KEEPIN' ON: Paul makes it very clear in this chapter that it's God's sovereign power at work in our salvation from start to finish, but even so we are not to remain passive, just sitting around while God makes this all happen. Paul writes "I pray that God will give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation to grow in your knowledge of Him (v17)." In other words, keep working hard to get to know the God who is saving you.

SUPER KNOW: When you begin to think of all of the individual bits of information you know it's astounding. This isn't the sort of mere trivia (as important as they may be) that Paul is calling you to know more of. The word he uses in v17 is literally 'epi-know,' meaning the knowledge above all other knowledge. You are getting this super-knowledge as you read God's Word each day through the 'eyes of your heart' (v17-18).

  • ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: God has placed Christ far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in this present age but also in the age to come (v21).

  • ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Put your hope in Christ and come to 'super-know' Him more and more through His Word (v5 & 17).




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