Suggest a single song or help plan an entire service!

THEME: Interrupted By Christmas
Our lives are consumed with busyness & distraction. That first Christmas God interrupted life’s busyness & distraction in the biggest way possible to bring you peace. How will you respond to this interruption and experience His peace?
11/26 - Christmas Interrupts: Zechariah & Elizabeth
Advent: HOPE - Psalm 33 (esp v16-19)
Sermon: Luke 1:1-25
Zechariah & Elizabeth “were righteous in the sight of God,” They had not given up hope they’d be provided with a child, but yet he doubted the validity of the good news that interrupted their lives.
12/3 - Christmas Interrupts: Mary
Advent: PEACE - Luke 1:76-79
Sermon: Luke 1:26-38
Mary was highly favored by the Lord. Her song (v46-55) gives an indication as to why.
She immediately aligned her life with what can be described as the biggest and most shocking interruption in all of history
12/10 - Christmas Interrupts: Caesar Augustus
Advent: JOY - Isaiah 61:1-3
Sermon: Luke 2:1-2
Caesar seems to be a bit player in the Christmas narrative, but yet none of the crucial elements of Christianity - Jesus' birth in bethlehem, roman crucifixion, and the pax romana Caesar ushered in (a general peace, coupled with a common language and safe roads which allowed the gospel to spread) - none of this would have been possible without Caesar Augustus.
God uses all people, events and history to work out His purposes, but God never interrupted Augustus’ life. Interruption is a blessing!
12/17 - Christmas Interrupts: Shepherds
Advent: LOVE - Isaiah 54:10
Luke 2:8-20
Shepherds were in the lower rungs of society and had little chance of having their lives interrupted by anything good, yet God interrupted them in spectacular fashion
They immediately drop what they’re doing and respond, but then we never hear about them again. How would the rest of their story go if your life was interrupted like theirs?
Sunday school program (12/17 PM service):
Christmas interrupts our lives
Luke 2.14 - Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests
Christmas eve: Christmas Interrupts: Anna & Simeon
Advent: CHRIST - Isaiah 9:2-7
AM - Anna & Simeon
Luke 2:22-40
The only two in the story whose lives were not interrupted - they’d been expecting it.
Being in tune with God & His Word makes it way easier for us to recognize His grace
PM - The elders want to know: should we do a Christmas Eve service (Sunday Evening) or a Christmas morning service?
Contact Pastor Chad with songs you'd like to see included this advent season, or pick one of the weeks and help plan an entire service!