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January 7 - Mark 7

Chad Werkhoven

Updated: Mar 17, 2020

Today's Chapter: Mark 7

Dig Deeper:

  • MESSIANIC SECRET / CROWD WATCH: Once again Jesus commands the recipients of His miracles to keep quiet (v24 & 36),"but the more He did so, the more they kept talking about [Him] (v36b)." Jesus knows that the bigger the crowd gets, the more they'll demand solutions to their earthly problems. In Jesus' first healing miracle, way back in chap. 2 when He healed the paralyzed man, Jesus first forgave the man's sins. The true reason Jesus came was to solve people's eternal problem with sin & death. The crowd didn't understand that then, and they don't understand that now. Make sure to stand apart from the crowd.

  • KEY LESSON: Think about vss. 20-23 throughout today. Start to notice the evil creeping out of your own heart. When you begin to notice it, immediately begin to pray for the grace of the Holy Spirit to renew your heart in that specific area (no matter what else is going on at the time). Later, make a point of separating yourself from the day's busyness to pray that God will continue to reform you more and more in the image of Jesus Christ.

  • ANY QUESTIONS? Feel free to use the comment box below to submit questions or comments you have as we read God's Word together.

Prayer Tips:

  • Pray that God will help you recognize the evil desires of your heart.

  • Thank God that His Spirit is ready and willing to cleanse your heart of these sins and renew it in Christ's image.

  • Thank God for the ability to read His Word, and pray for the strength to persevere.


Sermon Reflections

1 Timothy 4

We have put our hope in the living God, therefore, train yourself to be godly.

Monday - God preserves our hope in Him through the work of the church.

Tuesday - Memorize 1 Timothy 4:7b, our 2020 theme: Train yourself to be godly

Wednesday - Work hard at spiritually disciplining (training) yourself - 1 Tim 4:10

Thursday - Spiritual Disciplines are saturated in scripture - 1 Tim 4:13

Friday - Make the time each day to practice your Spiritual Disciplines.



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