Dig Deeper:
EMOTIONAL ROLLER COASTER: Once again Jesus' emotions are on display. What sort of mood do you think Jesus was in as He 'rebuked' the wind & waves in v39? Compare & contrast how the disciples reacted to the storm suddenly stopping with how the pagan sailors reacted in Jonah 1:15-16.
MESSIANIC SECRET: We often think Jesus used parables to make His teaching more understandable, but in v10-11 Jesus tells His disciples He speaks in parables so that only those to whom the Kingdom of God has been given can understand. Mark points this out again in v33-34 in one of the few times in this book where as narrator he steps away from the action to comment on what's going on.
CROWD WATCH: More and more people are showing up in hopes of seeing or possibly receiving a miraculous healing. Why is Jesus always pulling Himself and His followers away from the crowd (v35-36)?
THINK ON THIS TODAY: Choose one of the four parables (three of which are about farming & seeds) and think about it throughout the day. What is God telling you through this parable?
Prayer Tips:
Thank God for making His gospel message clear to you.
Pray that God will bless you today as you think about the parable while doing your other activities.
Acknowledge that even the wind and waves obey your God & Savior.
Sermon Reflections
Genesis 8:20 - 9:17
Covenant Resolutions
God saved you for a purpose, so fulfill God's purpose in the New Year / Decade
Wednesday - Salvation is rooted in God's gracious, providential and covenantal character
Thursday - Resolutions 1 & 2 - Don't consume lifeblood (??), Protect & defend life.
Friday - Resolution 3 - Fulfill God's creation mandate.