How can you know what God's will is for you?

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Romans 12 Summary
Chapter 12 starts with a key word: THEREFORE. The first eleven chapters of this book were drenched with doctrine, which in a sense fertilizes and tills the ground of our life preparing us to produce good works for our creator. With this simple word leading the way, Paul says because of the truth we've just unpacked, here's how you must live:
- Sacrifice your own ego and desires;
- Don't be crushed into conformity with the evil society we live in in 2022;
- Your mind has been renewed, so use it to align yourself with God's will.
Once you've learned to sacrifice your own ego, you identify yourself as one saved by grace. Find unity by grounding yourself in Christ with others who seek to use their gifts to serve God by serving others.
We live in a time where evil seems to be overcoming us in the form of lies and deceptions. Our instinct is to fight back, but v21 flips that instinct: overcome evil not by fighting, but rather by doing good.
Dig Deeper
One of the most common questions Christians have is 'how can I know what God's will is in this particular situation? Romans 12:2 is the go to verse to help answer this:
STEP ONE: Don't be conformed to the pattern of the world. In other words, if you don't actively seek God's will, you will be crushed into doing things the world's way.
STEP TWO: Understand that your mind has been renewed by God's Word, so seek to transform (literally: metamorph) every part of your life to reflect the truth.
STEP THREE: Test and approve the options you have. By using your mind which has been renewed by God's Word, the option God is calling you to follow will become clear.
AAA Prayer:
ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Your merciful Father who has given you faith and grace (v1, 3)
ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Pray that by God's strength you will be transformed rather than conformed (v2)