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Revelation 6 - The Four Horsemen

Chad Werkhoven

You may have heard the four horsemen of the apocalypse are coming. That's not quite right... they're already here!

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Revelation 6 Summary

REMEMBER THE SETTING: In chapters 4-5, John is experiencing the throne room of God, which is at the center of all things. The 24 elders, representing His Church through all the ages are present, as are 'four living creatures,' standing ready to carry out God's will in all four directions. The air is full of anticipation as a scroll, sealed by seven seals, containing the will of God for the full salvation of His people is in the right hand of God. The only one worthy enough to open the seals is a Lion-Lamb, looking as if it had been slain.

Today, in chapter six, we witness six of the seven seals being opened.


  1. White horse: given a crown and rides out "bent on conquest." Some see this horseman symbolizing Christ, but it seems more consistent with the context to understand him as a deceiver instilling an unhealthy competitive drive in humanity.

  2. Fiery red horse: its rider is given power to take peace from the earth & make people kill each other.

  3. Black horse: brings famine to the working class, but the rich (oil & wine) are preserved.

  4. Pale horse: Ridden by death, with Hades following close behind. They were given power to kill 25% of the earth.

Dig Deeper

These horsemen were given the powers of destruction they had. They are part of God's plan! The final rider, on the pale horse ridden by 'Death' and trailed closely by 'Hades' "were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill (v8)." It's hard to wrap our heads around the fact that God gives this awful authority, but on the other hand, it shows that even in the midst of the chaos we live in, God remains in control.

God gives these horsemen their awful powers to increase the consequences of sin in our lives. Often times, it's only when we feel the pain of our's our other's sins that we cling to Christ for grace and mercy.

AAA Prayer :

  • ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: The most powerful people in this world cower before our Holy God, as they cry out for the rocks to crush and hide them from God's wrath (v15-17)

  • ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Pray that your grip on Christ will strengthen even as we're surrounded by these horsemen each day.




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