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Proverbs 6 - Look Out

Chad Werkhoven

The biggest threats to your life come not from the world, but from inside yourself.

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Proverbs 6 Summary

The sixth chapter of Proverbs conveniently divides into six particular sections. All of these sections are warnings from a wise father to his young son of things which suddenly entrap and ensnare people:

  1. v1-5 - Going into debt, especially in the sense of putting off payment till tomorrow for today's enjoyment, creates the potential for lifelong bondage to creditors.

  2. v6-11 - Certainly rest & relaxation are good things, but they must be enjoyed in strict moderation. The wise father contrasts sluggards with the ever industrious ants.

  3. v12-15 - Most of us have experienced people who seem so good and wholesome, only to find out that they were masking evil intent. Always keep an eye out for such manipulators, and certainly don't be one yourself!

  4. v16-19 - The wise father identifies the seven (!) root causes of all sin.

  5. v20-29 - The longest section of this chapter is a call to hold fast to God's commandments and teachings; they are a lamp & light that will guide you through life. Don't let them be taken from you by falling for the world's seductions.

  6. v30-35 - It's bad enough for one to commit a crime of desperation (for example, to steal food to feed a starving family), so it's many times worse to fall into sin by following your appetite.

Dig Deeper

Proverbs 6 provides a huge insight on what God loves by listing the primary things that He hates. Spend time meditating with yourself or those close to you the seven vices listed. Put each into your own words, and then describe the opposite of what's listed: the seven things God loves.

The Lord hates:

  • Haughty eyes

    • Examples:

    • Therefore the Lord loves:

  • Lying tongues

    • Examples:

    • Therefore the Lord loves:

  • hands that shed innocent blood

    • Examples:

    • Therefore the Lord loves:

  • a heart that devises wicked plans,

    • Examples:

    • Therefore the Lord loves:

  • feet that make haste to run to evil,

    • Examples:

    • Therefore the Lord loves:

  • a false witness who breathes out lies,

    • Examples:

    • Therefore the Lord loves:

  • one who sows discord among brothers.

    • Examples:

    • Therefore the Lord loves:

AAA Prayer:

  • ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Our wise Father, who hates what is evil and loves what is good.

  • ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Pray for the wisdom to live according to God's good design




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