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Philippians 3 - Press On

Chad Werkhoven

Are you to make every effort for your salvation, or let go & let God? Yes.

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Philippians 3 Summary

This chapter is full of warnings to be wary of as you walk through life:

  • On one side, be ware of the vicious dogs who outwardly look really pious, but put their trust in their own efforts rather than in what Christ has fully accomplished (v2).

  • On the other side are the enemies of the cross of Christ (v18). These people often masquerade as Christians as well, but rather than focusing on things above, their minds are set on their own appetites and glory.

Since these dogs and enemies are constantly attacking you, be certain to aggressively use the defenses mentioned:

  • Count your own efforts to achieve self-righteousness as rubbish (v8 - literally dung), and instead find yourself fully dependent upon the righteousness of Christ (v9).

  • Realize that your citizenship is in heaven (v20). Certainly we are to work hard and enjoy the life God has granted us in this world, but be ready at any moment to let go of it all when Christ calls you home.

Dig Deeper

Here's the irony: trying to achieve piety by checking off boxes and relying upon your own strength will only serve to make you miserable, but don't be too quick to move to the opposite extreme and just coast through life relying on God's grace.

Look at the aggressive way Paul experiences God's grace, which he calls 'the prize' in v12-14: he presses on (he mentions that twice) and strains to push himself to know Christ more and more and to reach the goal and win the prize (v14).

Which word would you use to describe your efforts in discipleship? Are you coasting or straining? Are you pushing forward to what lies ahead (eternal life) or are you desperately clinging to what lies behind (v13)?

AAA Prayer:

  • ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Knowing God is of surpassing worth, which makes all else seem like garbage (v8)

  • ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Pray that God will make it clear to you those things in which you think differently than what He desires.




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