Jesus stood up for you in the most important time in history. Will you now stand up for Him?

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Mark 14 Summary
v1-11 - Jesus is anointed with the expensive perfume.
v12-25 - Jesus enjoys the Last Supper with His disciples, and inaugurates what we continue to celebrate in the Church still to this day: the Lord's Supper, also known as communion.
v26-31 - His disciples pledge their undying allegiance, for the time being, at least.
v32-42 - These same disciples can't even stay awake to pray with their obviously suffering Lord.
v43-52 - Jesus is arrested, and nearly all of the disciples, except for Peter, flee. The final one runs away naked (v51-52).
v53-65 - Jesus' sham trial comes to an end with Jesus boldly stating I AM when the high priest asked Him if he was the Christ.
v66-72 - Even bold Peter has now denied Jesus, hours after pledging on his life that he would never do so.
Dig Deeper
Massive crowds have been following Jesus throughout His ministry, with everyone wanting to see Jesus perform miracles. Jesus could have become a political force, because v2 indicates the Establishment was afraid of the crowd following Jesus. But the 'crowd' changes dramatically in chapter 14.
For the rest of the book, whenever the word 'crowd' is used, it refers to a mob that wants Jesus killed, as seen in v43. Jesus, who was wildly popular at the beginning of the week on Palm Sunday (chapter 11), is now abandoned. Verse 50 says, "Then everyone deserted Him and fled."
For many decades, even non church goers at least had a respect for Jesus and many even lived biblically moral lives for the most part, and because of this our society enjoyed tremendous blessings.
Now we live in a day and age where the crowd is once again rallying against the Lordship of Christ.
How will you respond? Will you stand boldly for Christ, taking up your cross and suffering the wrath of the crowd, or will you run away, naked and afraid?
AAA Prayer:
ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Pray along with Jesus to "Abba, Father, all things are possible for you."
ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: "Not what I will, but what you will."