Jesus asks you: 'who do you say I am?' Your answer is found in what you're hungering for.

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Mark 8 Summary
v1-9 - Once again, Jesus feeds a giant crowd with next to nothing and has more left over than what He started with.
v10-13 - Jesus visits a remote town, only to be met by the establishment who only want to argue with Him. Instead, Jesus immediately leaves.
v14-21 - In the boat yet again, Jesus teaches a lesson using yeast as a metaphor, but all the disciples can think about is food.
v22-26 - Jesus heals a blind man. Unlike other healings, the man's blindness is not cured instantly. This can be a metaphor for some people who move in very slow stages to accept the gospel. John Calvin comments here, "And so the grace of Christ, which had formerly been poured out suddenly on others, flowed by drops, as it were, on this man.”
v27-38 - This discussion between Jesus & the disciples as to His identity is perhaps the most important passage in Mark's gospel. It's literally right in the middle, and you will notice the tone of the gospel change in the chapters to come. Instead of miracles and healings, we'll be reading about what it really means to take up our cross and follow Christ.
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I have compassion on the crowd, because they have been with me now three days and have nothing to eat. And if I send them away hungry to their homes, they will faint on the way. And some of them have come from far away. - v2-3
What an amazing statement. Hearing Jesus speak and teach was so attractive to these people that they put every aspect of their life on hold - even eating and drinking - to listen.
Are you experiencing that kind of hunger to hear God's Word? Make it your prayer that your appetite for the Bread of life will not be hemmed in by your hunger for ordinary bread in life.
AAA Prayer:
ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Our Father God, who has compassion for His people (v2)
ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Ask God that your appetite to hear and share God's Word will grow.