Jesus promised to give rest to the weary... but you might not get it when you want it.

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Mark 6 Summary
v1-6 - Jesus is rejected by His home town.
v7-13 - Jesus sends His disciples out to preach two by two.
v14-29 - John the Baptist is executed to make good on a drunken boast.
v30-45 - Jesus and the disciples try to get away for some well deserved rest, only to be met by a crowd of over 5,000 who are hungry to be taught, and then just plain hungry. Jesus satisfies both aspects of their hunger.
v46-52 - Jesus sends the disciples back across the lake so that He could spend time in prayer. As they struggle into the wind, Jesus catches up by walking on the water.
v53-56 - The news Jesus is coming precedes His arrival, and every medical case from miles around is waiting for Him when He arrives.
Dig Deeper
And Jesus said to the disciples, “Come away by yourselves to a quiet place and rest a little.” For many were coming and going, and they had no time even to eat. - v31
Imagine how good this offer sounded to the disciples. They'd done the hard work of ministry, which likely had been accepted by some but rejected by most. Things have been so busy that they didn't even have time to eat.
They set out on the boat to find a quiet spot on the lake, only to be greeted by another onslaught of needy people who've all converged in the middle of nowhere.
Yet Jesus, who's likely just as tired, if not more so, than the disciples doesn't roll His eyes or mutter under His breath when He sees their getaway has been ruined. Rather,
When Jesus saw the massive crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. - v34
Jesus came to offer you true peace and rest, but He might not give it to you exactly when you want it or think you need it the most. Pray that you will see the situations you face in life through His compassionate eyes, and then dig in and do the work He's called you to do.
AAA Prayer:
ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: The One who leaves men stunned and astonished (v51)
ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Pray that you will see problems as opportunities and have the energy to share the peace and compassion of Christ.