What obstacles are keeping you from realizing the full power of Christ?

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Mark 5 Summary
v1-20 - Jesus travels into Gentile country (Gentiles are anybody who's not a Jew) and heals a freakishly strong multi-demon possessed man.
v21-43 - Back in Israel, Jesus is mobbed by the crowd as He works His way to the house of a very sick little girl, healing the desperate woman who secretly reached out in faith along the way. It seems that Jesus reaches the girl too late, arriving at a house full of grief, yet Jesus calls the girl back to life.
Dig Deeper
Jesus performs three massive miracles in this chapter, but notice that each one of them is met with doubt and suspicion.
Ironically, it's always the demons who have the least amount of doubt as to who Jesus is. They beg Jesus to be sent into the herd of pigs because they're afraid of Jesus' power & divinity. Yet the people from that community, who witness the incredible change of demeanor in what was a monstrous man now sitting calmly in his right mind, also beg Jesus to leave their region because they're afraid of what economic havoc He might bring next.
The disciples scoff at Jesus' noticing that somebody touched Him, rather than realizing the His powered can be channeled by simple faith.
The people who'd been "weeping and wailing loudly" one minute go to another emotional extreme a moment later and "laugh" at Jesus' assertion that the child is only sleeping.
Be sure not to get hung up on these same obstacles in your life:
Being afraid of what trusting in Jesus will cost you;
Underestimating the awesome power of faith;
Laughing at the far fetched promises of God's Word.
Rather, be like the healed monster-man: long to follow Christ and tell everyone in your community how much Jesus has done for you.
AAA Prayer:
ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: The One who leaves men stunned and astonished;
ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Ask God to help you overcome the obstacles that keep you from fully trusting in Him;