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Mark 3 - I have decided to follow Jesus

Chad Werkhoven

There are right reasons and wrong reasons to follow Jesus.

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Mark 3 Summary

  • v1-6 - The establishment is watching Jesus and hanging on His every word, but not to learn from Him, rather they're trying to accuse Him.

  • v7-12 - Jesus has attracted crowds from every direction, and each individual person presses against Him, wanting Jesus to fix something for them.

  • v13-19 - Jesus is not impressed by the crowd. He escapes for a moment up on the mountain,

    • "and called to him those whom he desired."

    • The twelve disciples Jesus appoints are named.

  • v20-35 - Jesus heads back home to the chaos, surrounded by the crowd, harassed by the establishment, and considered nuts by His own family.

Dig Deeper

And he went up on the mountain and called to him those whom he desired, and they came to him - v13

It may very well seem that we live in a world that's moving farther away from the idea of following Jesus, but I have no doubt that if He were to suddenly visit even the most obscure place on the planet and heal some people and perform a miracle or two, within days there would be a massive crowd of people pushing up against Him, lists in hand, 'following' Jesus wherever He went, hoping their predicaments miraculously go away, just like the crowd in today's chapter.

Christians are often described as people who follow Jesus, and although that's not a bad description, it needs to be nuanced.

Christians are people who follow Jesus because they've been called by Him, not because they have a bunch of problems they need Him to solve.

Jesus said as much in John 10:27 - My sheep know my voice; I know them and they follow me.

Make sure that you're following Jesus for the right reason - because you hear His voice calling you, not because you want a miracle. Reading His Word every day as you have been is a great way for you to hear His voice.

AAA Prayer:

  • ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: God almighty, whose presence causes even the demons to fall down in worship (v11)

  • ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Pray that you will hear the Good Shepherd's voice clearly and follow Him




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