Jesus responds to our confusion with deep theology that brings ultimate peace.

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Previous DIG DEEPER posts on John
John 14 Summary
The first part of chapter 14 is one of the most requested passages to read at funerals because in these short passages, Jesus tells of several key Christian doctrines:
There's life beyond life on earth (Jesus is going to prepare a place for us)
Jesus will come back to take each of us there
Jesus is the only way to gain life and access to the Father
If you know Jesus, you know the Father
Thank God for these massively comforting truths that bring us peace in our darkest moments!
Jesus goes on to explain how that comfort would be applied to those who love Him after He leaves: The Father will send another in His name. Almost every English Bible translation uses a different word here to describe the title given to the Holy Spirit'. The ESV we've been reading this year calls Him the Helper, while the 1984 edition of the NIV calls Him the Counselor and the 2011 NIV calls Him the Advocate. Other translations go with Comforter.
This may seem confusing. Which one is the most accurate? The Greek word is paraklētos, which literally means to call out from alongside. With that literal meaning, you can see why all of the English translations are correct!
Dig Deeper
Thomas is quoted three times in the gospels, all by John. The first time was back in chap. 11:16, when after Jesus has decided to go back to Jerusalem he says, "Let's also go, so that we may die with him." His most famous quotation comes at the end of the gospel where he refuses to believe in the resurrection until he can see and touch the risen Christ, and so earns the nickname the 'Doubter.'
Thomas comes across as a wet blanket, sort of the yin to Peter's ever exuberant yang. But Thomas' question in today's chapter (v5) shows why we need more people like him: he gives voice to what everyone else is thinking but are too timid to actually say. I'm so thankful that Thomas asked his question, because if he hadn't, we'd never read Jesus' famous response in v6:
I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Next time you're wondering about something, be like Thomas. Go ahead and ask the question out loud. Chances are lots of others are thinking the exact same question.
AAA Prayer :
ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Our Father, who we are invited to come back home to through Jesus (v1-3)
ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Pray that you experience Christ's other-worldly peace (v27)
ASK GOD FOR WHAT YOU NEED: You may ask for anything in Christ's name, and He will do it (v14)