In the midst of Hebrews 9's heavy theology, there are amazing promises that benefit you right now.

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Hebrews 9 Summary
Hebrews 9 has one main point, as expressed in v22:
without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.
This is why Old Testament worship was so bloody, as we noticed reading Leviticus 16 last week.
The main problem with this sacrificial system, was that although it was visually rich in reminding people that the wages of sin is death, it could never perfect the conscience of the worshiper (v9).
But Christ came as the mediator of a new covenant (v15). Jesus put away sin by the sacrifice of himself (v26).
Dig Deeper
All of this talk about bloody sacrifices, covenantal language and methods of atonement may not seem very relevant to whatever issues you happen to be facing at the moment.
But don't miss out on the key benefits that Hebrews 9 communicates to you:
v12 - Christ as secured an eternal redemption for you, therefore it can never be taken away! Even though you certainly will experience seasons of doubt, deep down you can be assured that you will always remain saved since your debt has already been paid.
v14 - You have been purified to serve the living God. You're not just going through the motions in life, but everything you do can be done is service to the Lord!
v15 - Since you've been called to Christ, you will receive the promised eternal inheritance. God is with you every moment of life, but yet the best is still to come.
v24 - Christ has appeared, in the presence of God advocating for you on your behalf. What a promise!
v28 - You need not fear the coming judgment since Christ has already dealt with your sin. You can eagerly anticipate His return!
AAA Prayer:
ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Our faithful Father, and covenant God
ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Thank God for cleansing your conscience through the blood of Christ so that you may serve Him, the living God (v14)