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Acts 19 - Manufactured Confusion

Chad Werkhoven

The civil chaos we've seen these last couple of years is nothing new. Don't get swept up: remain rooted in God's Word.

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Acts 19 Summary

After a short respite in which Paul was able to preach without incident for several months in Ephesus, the Word of the Lord is heard by people all over the region.

Yet once again, more people are confused and offended by the gospel than who truly understand its saving power, and violence and riots ensue.

Dig Deeper

In the ancient Roman empire, just like today, everybody seems to have a tolerant, open mind. Until, that is, their income begins to be compromised. Then the tolerance ends.

When the Ephesian business community sees over $5 million worth of product go up in smoke (v19) and the demand for Greek pantheon related merchandise takes a dive, it gets their attention. Notice how easily these businessmen manipulate the general public as they incite a mob riot:

So the city was filled with the confusion, and they rushed together into the theater (v29). Now some cried out one thing, some another, for the assembly was in confusion, and most of them did not know why they had come together (v32).

Understand that all of the confusion and angst you see demonstrated in cities all over America these last couple of years are not a new phenomenon. Unfortunately, most people do not have the solid Biblical foundation that you do by which they can process the opinions and fads floating around, so subsequently they're easily manipulated.

You also need to be reminded that there's a good chance that this confused vitriol will be aimed at you and the church. When (not if) that happens, remember how Paul and these other early saints were persevered and strengthened by the Holy Spirit, and know that He will strengthen and equip you as well.

AAA Prayer:

  • ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Our great and sovereign Lord, whose greatness exceeds our knowledge

  • ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Pray that by God's grace you will be able to properly think for yourself, and not be sucked into the manipulated confusion of the world.




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