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Acts 4 - The power of Words

Chad Werkhoven

Speaking God's Word is the most powerful thing you can do. Are you bold enough to do so?

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Acts 4 Summary

The establishment had successfully gotten rid of Jesus, who was a thorn in their side. So when Jesus is suddenly being proclaimed once again, they're greatly annoyed (v2), and respond by throwing the preachers, Peter & John, in jail.

Instead of being silenced by this show of force, Peter boldly responds that they cannot remain silent about who Jesus Christ is, because

there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved (v12).

Once again, the mighty establishment cowers before the people, who were all praising God because of the healing they had just witnessed, so they let Peter & John go free.

Instead of grumbling and complaining about their corrupt leadership (as we too often do), these new Christians, now over 5,000 in number, pray

that God's servants will continue to speak your Word with all boldness (v29)

This early Church community goes on to demonstrate the perfect unity that's possible when all have proclaiming this good news as their first priority.

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So they called them and charged them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus (v18).

The establishment couldn't care less about the man that was healed or the other good deeds being done within this new Church community. It's likely that if that's all the Church was doing was going out and being 'the arms and feet of Jesus' in their neighborhoods the establishment would have asked how they could help.

Understand that the good deeds that you do as a Christian will never be criticized by the world. In fact, the world might even cheer them on (though never as much as they should).

But be reminded that God's power comes primarily through the proclamation of the good news - through your words - and you will face all sorts of pushback for speaking the truth of the gospel.

Pray that you will have the same boldness in doing so that Peter & John did.

AAA Prayer:

  • ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Our sovereign Lord, who raised Jesus from the dead (v24, 10)

  • ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Pray for God's strength so that you can listen to Him, and not the establishment (v19)




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