Be a blessing to yourself and your community by being fully convicted by God's Word.

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1 Thessalonians 1 Summary
The Thessalonians are our kind of people - they like to stay busy and work hard, especially since they knew they were not just working for themselves, but for the Lord. Paul famously notes in 1 Cor. 13:13 the three most important attributes of a Christian: faith, hope and love. Each one of these attributes builds up your life in tangible ways listed in v2:
Faith produces work;
Love prompts labor;
Hope inspires endurance.
Sharing the gospel with others requires that you know how to explain it verbally, but although being a faithful witness of the gospel involves words, it begins with the way we conduct our lives. The Christian lifestyle that the Thessalonians lived became an example to other people throughout the entire region (v7), so much so that their faith in God has become known everywhere (v8).
The faith of these Thessalonians, which was evident in how they lived, massively changed their lives. They turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God (v9). Chances are you want to see our country go in a different direction than it's presently going. The best way for you to do this is to live out your faith and share it with others to turn them to God from their modern day idols.
Dig Deeper
Is it possible for you to know that you've been chosen by God for salvation? Absolutely! Verse 4-5 teach us that those who've been chosen by God receive the Word with full conviction. The word Paul uses here means 'to fully carry the whole load.'
In other words, people who only pick up a doctrine or two to suit their particular needs at the moment will never fully be assured of God's election in their life. However, if you dive fully into the full counsel of God's Word and add to your understanding of it on a daily basis, you will gain the confidence that comes with full conviction.
AAA Prayer :
ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Our Father in heaven, who has chosen you for salvation in His Son, Jesus Christ
ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Pray that God's Word will fully convict you so that like the Thessalonians, your faith is evident to all.