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Romans 11 Reading Guide

Chad Werkhoven

Watch a short overview of Romans 11

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Passage: Romans 11

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Chapter Summary

  • v1-10 - As you begin a new week of Bible reading, remember the context of chapters 9-11: Paul is struggling with the fact that his friends and family, the Israelites, have by and large rejected the gospel. But even so, God has not rejected the promises He made to His people. Just as He always did throughout history, God is preserving a remnant (v5).

  • v11-16 - The fact that Israel rejected the gospel 2,000 years ago forced the first evangelists out into the Gentile world with the good news. God used the sin of Israel's rejection to spread the message of salvation to the whole world!

  • v17-24 - Paul uses the analogy of grafted olive trees. On one hand, cultivated olive trees were of great value at that time. On the other hand, wild olive trees grew like weeds, and were a nuisance that needed to be cut down and burned. Paul says that some valuable cultivated branches were cut off, only to have worthless wild shoots grafted in their place. But once grafted in, the sap from the root made what was worthless productive. Paul is making a massive claim in this section, that Jews were cut off in order for Gentiles to be incorporated into God's promises!

  • v25-32 - This section hinges on v26, which is one of the most difficult verses in the Bible to properly interpret: In this way all Israel will be saved. Here are some interpretive choices: a) The entire nation of Israel will be saved; b) All of Abraham's natural descendents will be saved; c) A remnant of Jews representing all of Israel will be saved; d) All of God's chosen people, both Jews & Gentiles will be saved and commonly referred to as 'Israel.'

  • v33-36 - Chapters 9-11 are theologically overwhelming at times! If you've found yourself confused or frustrated in reading through them, take time to soak in this doxology (words of praise & glory), as you're reminded of God's greatness and sovereignty that extends past your ability to fully understand it.

Old Testament Reference -

  • The book of Job - Notice how much of the doxology in v33-36 are taken from the book of Job! - Job 11:7, 35:7, and 41:11 are all quoted in this short passage. What conclusion can you make that so much of this doxology was taken from a book about suffering?


Use the comment box below to discuss one or more of these questions. For every comment or reply you post, you will receive an entry for this month's prize: a gift certificate to Lakeside Deli.

  1. How would you explain to a friend what chapters 9-11 are about in just a few sentences?

  2. How has American foreign policy been influenced over the last 80 years by v26 (having been guided in large part by interpretive choice 'a' in the discussion above)?

  3. Pick a phrase from the doxology in v33-36 and put it into your own words.



Keep one of these phrases in your mind throughout the day and come back to it often, asking God to speak to you through these words:

  • v22 - Consider both the kindness and sternness of God

  • v36 - For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things

  • v36 - To God be the glory forever!

Follow the AAA Prayer Pattern:

  • ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Our Father, whose riches, wisdom, and knowledge are deep beyond measure (v33)

  • ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Pray that God will strengthen you to continue in His kindness (v22)



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